Friday, September 20, 2013





  This is a question I get asked frequently, particularly by newcomers to the Paleo/Primal lifestyle...
  Well, you know what they say... there is "good" news, and there is "bad" news... lol...
  First of all, if you have candida overgrowth (candidiasis), fruit in ANY form is out... and most of you (particularly grain-eaters) will have this condition, usually without being aware of it. This particular topic, however, will be discussed in the next blog post... back to our discussion...
  In the first six weeks of converting to the Paleo/Primal dietary regimen, I usually recommend abstinence from all forms of fruit, due to their innate sugar content, as the purpose of switching to Paleo/Primal is to convert the body's fuel source from sugar to fat. This would also include carrots and beets, as they are high in "natural" sugars, although this is not absolutely necessary.
  After the initial six-week period, reintroduce ONE fruit per week, starting with green apples, moving to berries, then eventually pears, melon, etc. Pay close attention to how you feel with each successive fruit !!! Leave bananas for last, as they are not only high in sugar, but can imbalance your magnesium levels. You will get plenty of potassium from dark leafy greens, fish, avocados, and most of your meats. It should be noted that I do NOT recommend dried fruits, except on rare occasions, as the natural sugars are concentrated. Sure, you can throw some in to your recipes for a bit of sweetness, but don't go overboard.
  I suggest limiting fruit to a between meal snack, so as not to tax the digestive system, due to the switch in enzymes required for digesting fruit. Not less than two hours before a meal, or less than half an hour after...