Sunday, December 29, 2013

    For those of you who have made the switch to Paleo, and are not dairy intolerant, you may wish to consider going Primal... or, in other words, Paleo plus dairy...
Many paleo followers actually "cheat" in this direction by using butter as part of their "program". Even many lactose intolerant individuals (such as myself) find they have no problem with "fermented" organic dairy such as cottage cheese, sour cream, yoghurt, kefir, and normal cheese (whatever that is... lol). Raw milk from cows or goats can often be tolerated as well...
Oh, and did I forget to mention ICE-CREAM ???
    It is important however, to first make the switch to Paleo BEFORE going Primal, as this sets the body in a ketotic state before having to deal with potential milk sugar related issues, among others. In doing so, there will not be confusion involved in determining dietary "boundaries".    God I love my chocolate ice-cream... lol...
(editor's note:
  Since posting this, I have received several comments which, since they are of value to the general layman, I will share with my readers...
Going "Primal", which is the addition of dairy products to the general paleo diet, has certain parameters which one needs to be aware of. "Dairy", in America, vs. elsewhere in the world, can be problematic, to say the least. Between the reality of "mass-production" factory farming, the feeding of dairy cattle grains, massive overuse of antibiotics, pasteurization, homogenization, etc., can contribute to dairy "intolerance" in many individuals that might not have occurred had the dairy been fresh, raw, from natural grass-fed dairy cows. In addition, if that were not complicated enough, there are numerous other factors that one needs to consider as well... are you allergic to a component of what the cow ate ? Are there genetic factors which predispose you to an allergic reaction ? Are there other contributing food intolerances as well ? What else is going on in your body ? This subject is not as "simple" as some would have you believe, and can take time, patience, and perseverance on your part to find the answers...)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

That is the question...

   So... you've decided that perhaps this whole Paleo/Primal thing might be of benefit, but you aren't sure what to do about the carbs...
Ok, that's a fair question. Here is my answer...

No sweets and/or baked goods of ANY kind, with the exception of really good dark chocolate (in small amounts/day), and the following:

White potatoes (peeled), not more than 3x per week...
Sweet potatoes/Yams (peeled), not more than 2x per week...
Tubers (malanga, boniato, yucca, etc.), not more than 2x per week...

Now, you have to pick and choose among these choices for not more than 5 meals per week... So, if you eat two meals a day, that means 14 meals per week, and of those 14, 5 can contain items mentioned above. The rest of your carbs should come from healthy fresh vegetables, limiting your intake of beets, carrots, and fresh fruit to three or four servings per week. AGAIN, I will re-iterate, fruit should never be eaten WITH a meal... two hours before, or half-an-hour after. (The only exceptions to this rule are papaya and pineapple, both of which should be consumed WITH protein !)  Limit your consumption of banana to 1/2 a banana, and make sure you are getting sufficient Mg (magnesium) to balance the P (potassium) in the banana.
Yes, I hear you... "but what about rice, quinoa, etc.?"
Consumer reports did a complete survey of commercially available rice in the U.S., and found arsenic contamination in ALL their samples*... arsenic, in both of its forms (organic and inorganic), is a slow deadly poison, almost as toxic as mercury or lead.** I have given up rice. As for quinoa, I don't consume it for "ethical" reasons.*** And as for other non-grain "grains" like quinoa, the research is not in yet, as far as I could find, so I choose to avoid these potential problems as well...


Thursday, December 26, 2013


That's what your health, or rather, the lack of good health, means to certain businesses... primarily BIG Pharma, CON Agra, quite a few major Universities, the FDA, and many members of the AMA and ADA...

Yes, I am hardly the first to mention this... but it bears repeating, most importantly because you have been continuously mislead by all of the above...

NO, (CL) in your water, (BR) in your spa & (F) in your toothpaste are NOT healthy,
NO, mercury amalgams in your mouth are NOT harmless,
NO, vaccines are NOT without consequence,
NO, most prescription meds are NOT a panacea,
NO, supplements are NOT worthless,
NO, saturated fats do NOT make you fat,
NO, polyunsaturated fats are NOT beneficial,
NO, sugar is NOT a food "group",
NO, whole grains are NOT good for you,
NO, homogenization and pasteurization of dairy do NOT benefit you,
NO, "farmed" fish and shrimp are NOT clean,
NO, "modern" farming methods are NOT healthy, sustainable, or ethical,
NO, "GMO's" are NOT harmless, and,
NO, "organic" is not necessarily better...

-just to name a few...

Sunday, December 15, 2013

or...your MICROBIOTA

  Depending on what source you use, we have somewhere between several hundred, and possibly several thousand different strains of friendly, and some not so friendly, little guys inhabiting our digestive tract... these include bacteria, fungi, protozoans, and others. The human body carries about 100 TRILLION microorganisms in its intestines, a number approximately TEN TIMES GREATER than the total number of cells in the human body... and many of you are familiar with several of these, including Lactobacillus, Clostridium, Escherichia, Fusobacterium, Ruminococcus, Streptococcus, and Bifidobacterium. The currently known genera of fungi of the gut flora include Candida, Saccharomyces, Aspergillus, and Penicillium.
  Today, we are going to talk about CANDIDA. A very good example, and probably the best known of the microbiota that, when allowed to get out of hand, causes MAJOR problems for its host (meaning YOU...). Candida "overgrowth" or Candidiasis as it is known in medical jargon, can cause a RASH of different and varied symptoms (pun intended). And by that I mean everything from bad breath and rosacea to athlete's foot, jock itch, and vaginal infection. In very advanced stages, candidiasis can even be life-threatening. So, how do we deal with this little bugger when it becomes problematic ? (again, pun intended)
  First, and foremost, is the removal of its primary food source which, if you don't already know, is SUGAR. And that means ALL sweets, complex carbohydrates, dairy, and fruit. Then one can take several natural supplements to regain the natural flora balance, including caprylic acid (coconut oil), olive leaf extract, probiotics, etc., based on the recommendations of your naturopath. Re-establishing your natural intestinal balance will take time based on the strength and resilience of your immune system, and the state of imbalance that exists in your microbiota.


Saturday, December 7, 2013


Addicted and in Denial

Do you know what alcoholics have in common with those who suffer from ADHD,  Diabetes, Autism, or Asperger's ???

Yes, they are ALL Carboholics....

Sadly, it is yet nearly unrecognized by "mainstream" medical science... But if you do the research, it becomes evident...

If you think that Paleo/Primal is difficult because you can't see yourself going without that pizza and beer, or fresh bread and jam, or pies, cakes, cookies, chips, crackers, soda, etc., you may very well be addicted to carbohydrates...
Put another way, if you crave sweets and starches... you're hooked on something FAR more insidious than illegal drugs... and just as addictive... this is just a start...