Thursday, January 23, 2014

SUPPLEMENTS, et al, or...           GAG ME WITH ANOTHER PILL !
I really never saw this one coming... but one of my friends started in on the same old dialogue... "It's just expensive (albeit colorful) urine..."  Yeah, well...  NO !!!
There are several factors to consider when considering (non-prescription) supplementation... My view is fairly simple and straightforward...
I take a dozen or so daily supplements on a regular basis, and another dozen or so, as necessary...
Why ? First of all because there is little guarantee that you are getting the "full" nutritional value from your food, for several reasons... including the lack of nutrients available in the soil (which affects both plants, AND the animals that eat them). If you are eating REAL, then processing should not be a significant factor, but elapsed time & storage need to be considered... Also, most of us don't eat the same thing at every meal, every day... so most of the vitamins, etc., aren't necessarily covered, and, I don't see a lot of people who eat the ENTIRE food, like I'll bet we used to... when I eat an apple, I eat the ENTIRE apple (the seeds of which contain a minute amount of cyanide, which intestinal parasites despise)... I've even been known to eat the peel of my "little cuties" (vit. C, bioflavonoids, d-limonene)... but I haven't mastered eating the entire bone in my steak (S, Si, K, Mg, P, etc.), or the peel of my pomegranate (PPE). I also don't crush and eat the shells of my oysters (Ca), nor do I eat dirt (microbes). Are ya kinda getting the picture ?
NOW, worst-case scenario... I actually eliminate the majority of my intake of supplements... that simply means my body did not need them, or could not utilize them at that moment... GREAT !!!
I'd rather play the odds that I am OVER-consuming nutrients, than be DEFICIENT in them....

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Stepping out of the box, an issue I must discuss... this is very personal to me...
I hope this young woman will forgive me for using her picture...
My mother... 
From about the age of eight, for four years, I watched her go from a beautiful young woman, to a human vegetable, all because of CANCER... it also took her three sisters, my grandmother, etc...
And now to find out that this was a man-made plague on mankind...
The people responsible NEED to be brought to JUSTICE...
I have railed against vaccinations as long as I have been a nutritionist. Now, the truth comes out...

   If you are not familiar with Suzanne Sommers, another one of my heroes, you should be... she has written twenty or more books, including her own personal battle with cancer... CANCER need no longer be the "death sentence" it was... NUTRITION is absolutely essential in treating a cancer diagnosis. I cannot make medical referrals, but I can suggest you read up on these doctors...